May, 2023 - Event
Progress Review - Meta-MeitY XR Startup Hub, IIT Delhi
Extending Reality (XR) is providing experience to user where the boundaries of real and fake blur, and user believe in the new reality presented to them. In the recent years, the tech has evolved to enable extending the reality by XR (AR/VR) faster, and much more evolution still to happen. I was invited to join the Progress Review Committee as a Judge for Meta and Meity’s Startup Hub program. It is great talking to top XR startups of India.
May, 2023 - Event
Greening Up: Key takeaways from Green Software Foundation Meetup
As technology continues to advance, electronics are getting smaller and wires are disappearing. Even electric poles, once a familiar sight on road trips, are being phased out. With the internet now ubiquitous, physical storage devices are disappearing too, and we rely more on cloud-based solutions that seem to happen over the air.
‘It’s no wonder we look up when we think of clouds ☁️, but should actually look down to the earth in the mines!
Apr, 2023 - Event
Thoughtworks TWinnoFest 3.0
The TWiinoFest 3.0 The third edition of innovation fest, named at TWinnoFest, a month-long hackathon, was recently held by Innovation Labs at Thoughtworks. This year’s event was conducted remotely, with participants spread across different cities. I was fortunate enough to be invited to judge the finale of the event.
The sheer variety and quality of ideas presented was truly astounding. It was incredibly difficult to compare them, as each one was unique and innovative in its own way.
Apr, 2023 - Event
Community Events are the Energy Boosters!
Recently, I had the opportunity to contribute to an event called “GTA Ghaziabad - Let’s Fork Together”. The event was hosted by a community of working professionals and undergraduate engineers from nearby colleges in NCR, and took place at my home office, Thoughtworks Gurgaon. Participating in this event provided me with another energy boost, and in this article, I would like to share my experience and give you a glimpse of what the event was all about!
Mar, 2023 - Event
Speaker - Agility Today Fest 2023 - Generative AI and XR
Agility Today is a 2 days annual UnConference, to meet Agility needs of industry, gathered over past few years via meetups, Conferences and Webinar. This UnConference intends to give you best of Agile Psyche (Mindset Culture and Practice) and Geekery (Engineering, Tools and DevOps). This year in Agility Today Fest 2023 there are couple of programs.
I am speaking to at Agile Engineering Lab (Technical Agility & Engineering Excellence), on topic of Scaling content generation for XR using AI.
Mar, 2023 - Event
Takeaways from Lenovo Techworld India Edition
Lenovo, the global technology leader, hosted the India edition of its flagship event, Tech World , on March 16th, 2023. Industry leaders come together and peep into the future of smarter technology, that is empowering a changing world through innovative products, solutions, and witness technological solutions.
I get a chance to join the event, and meet and listen to the industry leaders, experience lenovo’s innovative product line, and see breakthroughs in india shaping up.
Feb, 2023 - Event
Judge at MOZOHACK 4.0 by the Mozilla Students Club
MOZOHACK is a 24-hour hackathon organized by SRMKZILLA. SRMKZILLA is a Mozilla campus club of SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai(India). It is inspired by the Mozilla Learning Network, provides students an open platform to analyze and enhance their technical and non-technical skills, such as working on open-source projects, developing websites, technical fests, and workshops. The club is conducting the seventh edition of its annual flagship event – MOZOFEST'23 – where they celebrate student community through technical and non-technical events.
Jan, 2023 - Event
Speaker at Meta-MeitY XR Startup Hub, IIT Delhi
Extending Reality is providing experience to user where the boundaries of real and fake blur, and use believe in the new reality presented to them. In the recent years, the tech has evolved to enable extending the reality by XR (AR/VR) faster, and much more evolution still to happen. I was invited at Meta and Meity’s Startup Hub program as an industry expert. Here I reflect on the day I spend with the few of the top startup of india, who want to solve some of the key challenges using XR and related technology.
Oct, 2022 - Event
Guest Lecture on 'SpatialWeb and Web3.0' at NIT Calicut
National Institute of Technology Calicut is organizing Tathva, Asia’s largest student-run Tech Startup Expo. Tathva is a techno-management fest of NIT Calicut is one of south India’s biggest scholastic endeavours. Since its inception in 2000, this annual symposium has known only growth and has flourished into one of the few promising enterprises the nation has witnessed. Pushing the barriers year after year, Tathva aims at providing a plethora of platforms to the intrigued technical heads that arrive at this fiesta with an array of events and workshops, to sharpen their skills and widen their knowledge quotient.
Sep, 2022 - Event
Podcast : XR in practice: the engineering challenges of extending reality
Brief summary Extended Reality technology — XR — has had a lot of hype in recent years thanks to the concept of the metaverse. But bold visions of the future can obscure the reality of what engineers and organizations are doing today.
In this episode of the Technology Podcast, the host Scott Shaw and Birgitta Boeckeler are joined by Cam Jackson and Kuldeep Singh to discuss the XR work Thoughtworks has been doing with clients.
Aug, 2022 - Event
Judging the Smart India Hackathon Juniors 2022
After a wonderful experience of participating as a judge and mentor at Smart India Hackathon 2019 and 2020, I am delighted to share that I got a chance to meet and judge India’s young winners and innovators at Grand Finale of Smart India Hackathon Juniors 2022, Smart India Hackathon 2022 is a nationwide initiative to provide students a platform to solve some of the pressing problems we face in our daily lives, and thus inculcate a culture of product innovation and a mindset of problem solving.
Jul, 2022 - Event
Speaker - XConf-2022 - Thoughtworks India
The XConf XConf is Thoughtworks annual technology event created by technologists. It is designed for technologists who care deeply about software and its impact on the world.
Last year XConf was virtual but this year, we are resuming to a physical one, so come meet us face to face in Bangalore at ITC Gardenia on Friday, July 29.
I am exited to share the stage with renowned technologists like Supriyo Ghosh, Chief Architect, Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC) India, our Head of Technology Bharani Subramaniam and Vanya Seth along with other techies from three streams Emerging Tech, Digital Transformation and Data.
Jul, 2022 - Event
The VAMRR ITeS Leaders Round Table
The VAMRR ITeS Leaders Round Table The thoughtleadership roundtable is an exclusive event hosted by VAMRR Technologies Pvt Ltd, where they invite an elite gathering of 20 ITeS leaders focused on the areas of Design Visualization, Digital Twin and Hybrid Workspaces.
This one is the 98th Conference/Round Table by VAMRR Technologies, and focus this roundtable would be on developments across Advanced Visualization, Remote Design Collaboration, Hybrid Workspaces, 3D Workflows, Data Integrated Digital Twins, Web3 and Metaverse are all converging.
Jul, 2022 - Event
Book Launch | Metaverse Glossary - Your gateway to the future
The Metaverse Metaverse is the most talked, understood and misunderstood topic these days, and every other industry today is trying to define it in their own way to suit their narrative. It would end up creating many sub-metaverses, with different sets of features and, would lead to confusions, and conflict of interests. Acceptable definition of Metaverse will evolve with time. At this stage, I treat the metaverse as a result of technological evolutions in the key areas such as ARVR, AI, Cloud, Blockchain, 5G/6G and hardware.
Jun, 2022 - Event
Judge - Ashoka University Hackathon 2022
RedBrick Hacks is flagship summer hackathon of Ashoka University, open to students from Delhi NCR. You will have the opportunity to learn, collaborate, and build meaningful projects alongside mentors from various disciplines. For 24 hours on the weekend of June 18, you will have access to free workshops, plenary lectures, prizes worth over ₹8L, games, and more!
The theme of the event was “Tech for Social Good” with three main tracks: Health & Wellness, Sustainable Growth, and Security & Privacy.
Jun, 2022 - Event
Metaverse Workshop - VIT-AP University
School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCOPE) of VIT-AP University is organizing a 1-day National Workshop on “Exploring the Blockchain in Metaverse” on June 11, 2022, from 11 am to 5 pm.
The program is intended for students, faculty of technical institutes, professionals from Industry, R&D organizations, and research scholars.
I will be speaking at the workshop on “Gearing up for Metaverse”, Will touch upon metaverse step by step.
Jun, 2022 - Event
Speaker - XR and Sustainability - GSF Global Summit
Green Software Foundation Green Software Foundation (GSF) is building a trusted ecosystem of people, standards, tooling and best practices for Green Software. GSF works with vision to change the culture of building software across the tech industry, so sustainability becomes a core priority to software teams, just as important as performance, security, cost and accessibility. Read more here.
GSF Global Summit 2022 The Green Software Foundation Global Summit 2022 is a series of free events organized by Green Software Foundation members all around the globe that are passionate about sustainable software development, maintenance.
May, 2022 - Event
Indian Achievers' Award 2022
Indian Achievers’ Forum Indian Achievers’ Awards is India’s Most Coveted Award For Outstanding Achievements, organized by Indian Achievers’ Forum. It draws attention on the theme “how the successful Achievers can help the social development in and around the country.” It provides examples of social entrepreneurs, successful models of the society and business community partnership. It promotes achievements that inspire businesses and communities, and recognizes the outstanding professional achievers’ and their contribution in nation building.
Apr, 2022 - Event
Guest Lecture at VIT Vellore
Metaverse has become the newest macro-goal for tech industries to invest in and to see the world in a new perspective with the help of AR and VR technologies.🌟
A student club at VIT Vellore named Mozilla Firefox Club invited me for a guest lecture in The Parallax View Episode 1 :Bring the world to wherever you are
🔮✨Join us on 22nd April, 6PM to clarify all your doubts regarding AR and VR and opportunities it offers you !
Feb, 2022 - Event
Judge at HackBMU 5.0
BML Munjal University, a Hero group initiative, is organizing a 5th edition Hackathon, named HackBMU 5.0. It is a hackathon focused on promoting innovation, diversity and networking among all future hackers. We will be hosting upcoming engineers and developers from all over the World to create mobile, web, and hardware hacks for an intense session.
HackBMU seeks to provide a welcoming and supportive environment to all participants to develop their skills, regardless of their background.