Feb, 2022 - Event
Your Hackathon Guide at IEEE WIE - BU - The Times Groups
IEEE WIE (Women In Engineering) at Bennett University - The Times Group, has hosted a panel discussion with students preparing and participating in hackathons.
I joined the panel of 🌟 Swati Anuj Arya (chief information security officer, Amazon Pay) and 🌟Srishti Gupta (Senior data analyst at Ernst & Young) to share our experience with students.
Highlights of the event! It was a great discussion, we started with questions on prerequisites of hackathon, and skills required to participate in hackathon, where we talked about being a thinker, solution oriented mindset, authenticity and practicality of the ideas and stay aligned to the problem statements.
Jan, 2022 - Event
Judge at Tech-Nexus Hackathon
National Institute of Technology Hamirpur is organizing Tech-Nexus, an online technical carnival, as an initiative of the Institute Innovation Council, MHRD. The essence of Tech-Nexus is to unite all the technological talents across the nation and give them a platform to express their skills and ideas. This flagship event will help people to showcase their unique projects and trends in the technological field as well as the challenges encountered, and solutions adopted while developing the projects.
Dec, 2021 - Event
Guest Lecture on 'Metaverse' at NIT Hamirpur
National Institute of Technology Hamirpur is organizing Tech-Nexus, an online technical carnival, as an initiative of the Institute Innovation Council, MHRD. The essence of Tech-Nexus is to unite all the technological talents across the nation and give them a platform to express their skills and ideas. This flagship event will help people to showcase their unique projects and trends in the technological field as well as the challenges encountered, and solutions adopted while developing the projects.
Oct, 2021 - Event
Speaker - Thoughtworks MasterClass-2021
The MasterClass This October, at Thoughtworks India, we’re celebrating our 20th anniversary! That’s 20 years of excellence in technology!
All through the month we’re hosting 10 tech talks, delivered by some of our best-and-brightest technologists in India. Each of them will be taking you through different topics, ranging from Distributed Delivery and XR, to Security and Navigating Ambiguity.
I am sharing stage with Raju Kandaswamy who is a robotics enthusiast and taking us through “Using XR in building autonomous vehicles”.
Oct, 2021 - Event
Judge - Thoughtworks iFest 2.0
The iFest This October, at Thoughtworks India, we’re celebrating our 20th anniversary! That’s 20 years of excellence in technology!
Innovation Lab’s at Thoughtworks comes second edition of iFest - a month long hackathon. I got opportunity to participate in iFest as a judge.
I was amazed to see the verity of idea. All the ideas were great and it was so hard to compare them.
Ideas were touching were reflecting the Thougthworks culture, use technology to solve challenges society is facing.
Oct, 2021 - Event
Speaker - XConf-2021 - Thoughtworks India
The XConf XConf is Thoughtworks annual technology event created by technologists. It is designed for technologists who care deeply about software and its impact on the world.
This year, XConf will be a virtual experience available at two different time slots. October 7th and 8th will feature pre-recorded sessions and October 9th will feature live sessions. During the nine exciting talks spread across three days.
I am exited to sharing the stage with renowned technologists like Neal Ford, Dr.
May, 2021 - Event
Discussion - Navigating the new normal
The world is finding the ways to get out of Covid impact, some are on recovery path and some are still bettling it. At ThoughtWorks, we have recently published our insights on navigating the new normal with augmented reality. Members of Communities of Practice of The VRARA come together to discuss the topic and share the opinion on way forward for XR.
I presented thoughtworks insights to other renowned industry leaders and VRARA members like Pradeep Sharma, Swarup Choudhury and Rajiv Madane, and technology exports like Pradeep Naik and Dhruv.
Apr, 2021 - Event
Judge at HackBMU 4.0
BML Munjal University,a Hero group initiative, is organizing a 4th edition Hackathon, named HackBMU 4.0. It is a hackathon focused on promoting innovation, diversity and networking among all future hackers. We will be hosting upcoming engineers and developers from all over the World to create mobile, web, and hardware hacks for an intense session.
HackBMU seeks to provide a welcoming and supportive environment to all participants to develop their skills, regardless of their background.
Mar, 2021 - Event
Speaker - AT2020 - Agility in Enterprise XR
Enterprise XR is gaining good traction, and software development’s best practices like Agile principles really matters due to multitude of tooling and tech stacks used for Enterprise XR solutions
Enterprises do face multiple challenges with the XR development lifecycle. One of them is the automation of testing XR applications. In response to this gap, ThoughtWorks has developed Arium – an open-source, lightweight, extensible, platform-agnostic framework that helps write automation tests that are built specifically for XR Applications.
Feb, 2021 - Event
Juror - SMCC Startup Challenge by Nasscom
NASSCOM is the premier trade body and chamber of commerce of the Tech industry in India and comprises over 2800 member companies including both Indian and multinational organisations that have a presence in India. Center of Excellence - IoT and AI is an initiative from NASSCOM and collective effort from different state governments in India,
NASSCOM CoE is launching first-of-its-kind virtual SMART MANUFACTURING COMPETENCY CENTER (SMCC). The innovation platform which will help in accelerating technology adoption by bringing enterprises, governments, researchers, and innovators together.
Jan, 2021 - Event
Judge - DotSlash 4.0 - Hackthon by NIT Surat
SVNIT Surat has organized a hackathon - DotSlash 4.0, a 30 hours long hackathon. More information here - https://www.hackdotslash.co.in/
I have participated in this event as a Judge.
The Event Details - 30-31st Jan 2021 It was really proud feeling to head interesting ideas from the young innovators, use the technology to find solutions during Covid and Post-Covid. Ideas to track and optimize carbon generation even from digitization (emails, internet and more), help specially-abled using technology to communicate, build digital restaurant menu to provide contactless experience, make the online exam cheat-proof, and many more.
Dec, 2020 - Event
Mentor and Juror - MIC 2020 by Nasscom
NASSCOM is the premier trade body and chamber of commerce of the Tech industry in India and comprises over 2800 member companies including both Indian and multinational organisations that have a presence in India. Center of Excellence - IoT and AI is an initiative from NASSCOM and collective effort from different state governments in India,
NASSCOM has organized Manufacturing Innovation Challenge 2020 from 12th Oct to 11th Dec, on theme of redefining enterprises and entrepreneurs engagement.
Nov, 2020 - Event
eXtended Reality for Enterprise - a PODCast by XROM
Interesting conversation on eXtended Reality (XR) with Eddie Avil, starting from my background, how I landed up in the XR space and where are we heading…
XROM PODCast XROM PODCast is a youtube channel maintained by serial entrepreneur, dreamer & a believer Mr. Eddie Avil. This channel has number of interesting conversations with industry leaders in the emerging technology space. Eddie Avil, also runs a marketplace for AR VR hardware and service, visit here https://www.
Nov, 2020 - Event
Speaker - GIDS - Extended Machine Learning with XR
Extended Reality is not only meant for humans, they can very well serve machines by producing Digital twins. Digital twins encapsulate real world elements with all important physics characteristics enabling the researcher to produce large volume of training data needed for reinforment learning and CNN based deep learning algorithms. Extended Reality environments are mature today and are capable of producing photorealistic rendering and physics emulation of real world just by using digital twins.
Oct, 2020 - Event
Webinar - Essentials of XR Product Design and Development
The VRAR Association’s Product Design and Development (PDD) Communities of Practice (COP) brings its first webinar on “Essentials of XR Product Design and Development”.
I will be sharing the stage with industry leader Mr. Pradeep Khanna, VR AR Association, and XR innovator Mr. Raju Kandaswamy, ThoughtWorks.
Spread the words Registration Only Please register at the below link, and save the date Oct 17, 2020, 4:30 PM IST.
The webinar will be available at https://www.
Sep, 2020 - Event
Geeknight - XR - eXtending the Reality
Geek Night is a regular event to promote the sharing of technical knowledge and increase collaboration among the geeks. It is organized by a passionate group of programmers and sponsored by ThoughtWorks.
Sep month’s geek night has covered Extended Reality - An umbrella term covering various technologies like AR,VR and MR. I will be discussing what is XR, its usage and significance today, that is stretching beyond gaming.
Embracing an Agile approach is essential to any successful XR implementation.
Aug, 2020 - Event
Webinar - XR - Nicety to Necessity
Techgig is the largest community of developers, also organizes webinars on emerging technologies.
I have spoken at a webinar on Extended Reality (XR) - Moving from Nicety to Necessity on coming Aug 13, at 3PM IST.
Join @thinkuldeep, Head- ARVR Practice, #ThoughtWorksIndia, for a webinar on "why XR is moving from nicety to necessity in the new normal?"
Registrations are now open: https://t.co/IHcOpLgLXZ@techgigdotcom #ExtendedReality #ThoughtWorks pic.twitter.com/MCf7EcWSjV
— ThoughtWorks India (@thoughtworksIN) August 11, 2020 Highlights COVID-19 has impacted economies, businesses and human behaviour.
Aug, 2020 - Event
Judge and Mentor - Smart India Hackathon 2020
After a wonderful experience of participating as a judge and mentor at Smart India Hackathon 2019, I am delighted to share that I again got a chance to meet and judge India’s young winners and innovators at Grand Finale of Smart India Hackathon 2020, world’s biggest open innovation modal, organized by AICTE and MHRD, Govt of India. This time it is no more a hackathon but a hackathon of hackathons — 4 Lacks students, 1500 small hackathons, 40 Nodal centers, around 2000 mentors and 1000 evaluators, 11000 finalists and more…
Jul, 2020 - Event
Judge - HackInIndia - Hackathon 2020
I got chance to judge the HackInIndia event, India’s National Level hackathon organized by Script Foundation on 2nd July, 2020.
Around 150 teams signed up across multiple tracks (Healthcare, Open Innovation, ARVR, EdTech, RPA and FinTech) supported by couple of talented mentors. I and Raviraj Subramanian got chance to meet only top 20 teams in Jury round, and I was amazed to see their innovative ideas, and demonstrations the young blood of nation bring on the table.
Jun, 2020 - Event
Speaker - Google DSC - How to get started with AR VR?
Conducted a live session at Google Developer Students Club of Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, TN, India
Intro here LinkedIn
Live session, recording. The talks is about What is AR VR? Why to start with AR VR? How to start with AR VR? Detailed Slides How to get started with arvr - DSC 2020 from Kuldeep Singh Feedback This session was really awesome and I have got lot of new knowledge about ar/vr and it’s importance in solving real life problems - Kannan Subramanian