Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “life”
Mar, 2025 - About
Open-sources and Apps
OpenThread Commissioner Implementation in Java OpenThread’s open-source project currently offers a native Commissioner CLI and an Android app for external commissioning, but no standalone Java-based implementation.
This project aims to bridge that gap by providing a step-by-step guide for developers to build an external Commissioner in Java.
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MQTT-Remote This is a web-based remote control for a led. It is a soft button on web that works in sync with hardware button.
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Feb, 2025 - About
Some moments
18th Anniversary Ritu & Kuldeep - Feb, 2025 44th Anniversary of Parents - Jun, 2024 Book in parent’s Hand - May, 2024 Vrindavan - Mar, 2024 House warming ceremony and RakshyaBandhan - Aug, 2023 Jim corbett trip - Jun, 2023 Lakshya’s visit to Thoughtworks Gurugram - May, 2023 16th Wedding anniversary - Feb, 2023 Father Retirement Speech - Jun, 2022 ☞ More Details Welcoming Aarav Remotely!
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Sep, 2024 - Event
TW Spotlight: Going with the Flow – My Journey
Thoughtworks has always amazed me—whether it’s the pioneering work we do in the industry or the contributions we make to software engineering practices. What truly inspires me is our people-centered approach. Recently, I was honored by our market leadership, who put me in the spotlight to share my journey with fellow Thoughtworkers. While I’ve learned a great deal from my colleagues, I took this opportunity to share my own experiences in the hope of inspiring others.
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Jul, 2024 - Post
20 reflections of 20 years
On July 5, 2004, I embarked on my professional journey. These past 20 years have been nothing short of adventurous and fulfilling.
“Learning is a natural process, and it matures by sharing”
I’ve had a wealth of learnings throughout these two decades, as I worked on over 50 projects spanning various domains and technologies. I’ve had the privilege of directly working with over a thousand individuals from diverse backgrounds across different organizations.
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Apr, 2024 - About
📕 Exploring the Metaverse Redefining Reality in the Digital Age “Exploring the Metaverse” is a comprehensive guide to the metaverse, the future state of the internet. Prepare yourself for what’s ahead by understanding the opportunities and challenges of the metaverse. This book calls us to action, emphasizing that its evolution is in our hands. You can find a detailed synopsis of the book here.
Available globally on Amazon and BPB Online as both paperback and eBook.
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Aug, 2023 - Post
My thoughtworkings from five thoughtful years
Thoughtworks is celebrating its 30th year in industry, and I have completed five years here, and to celebrate this, I have compiled thoughts from thoughtworkers, and published them as an ebook. I am grateful for the wealth of knowledge and experiences shared by my colleagues. These thoughts have resonated with me and shaped my journey within the organization and life.
I am excited to launch the ebook with this post. I believe this compilation of thoughts will not only serve as a personal reflection but also as a valuable resource for others on their own professional journeys.
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Apr, 2023 - Post
Habit Matters - The change is a side effect
“Change is the only constant, it doesn’t matter whether we like it or not, it takes place”- shared and reflected in my change stories.
Over the years, I have been following my theory of change Accept-Observe-Absorb. It helped me to traverse through the change year 2020, and understand the role of “Will” and how to cultivate it. I shared how just one change “working from my native home” brought so many other changes in lifestyle and behavior.
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Nov, 2022 - Post
Corporate lessons from a Home Makeover
Recently I shared an article on my life lessons from my father’s work life, and mentioned that I dedicated a new home to my father’s work life, also promised that I will share some corporate lessons learned from making-over this new home. I can well relate my takeaways to the corporate experiences such as vendor selection, negotiation, solutioning, estimation, prioritization, agility and being a trusted partner and many more..
As I keep saying “we learn every day in all situations of life, good or bad”
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Oct, 2022 - Post
Lessons of Life - Father’s Retirement
I started keeping in mind that we learn every day in all situations of life, good or bad. Our learning matures by sharing, we explore more of us by giving it away to others.
Recently my father turned 60, and has retired from government services. 60 years full of life is a quite big experience, where around 38 years he spent in serving the same Govt of Rajasthan.
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Aug, 2021 - Post
My impactful change stories
Recently, I have been invited to share my 3 years Thoughtworks Journey, at “Impact Series” by Social Change Group TW, India.
“Striving for positive social change is at the heart of our purpose, culture and work” — /thoughtworks
I believe an impactful change is the change that changes you, and any social change start from within, our own journey. I shared my change journey, and received number of comments, and feedbacks.
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Sep, 2020 - Post
The Learning Equation
Today, The world is celebrating teacher’s day. I wish Happy Teacher’s day to all of us! We all are teachers and learners as every one of us has something to learn from others and something to teach others. I am thinking of an equation of learning that defines my way of learning and hope it would be helpful for you too. The learning equation — Learning is proportional to Sharing; Learning ∝ Sharing
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Aug, 2020 - Post
Two Thoughtful Years!
It’s now two years since I accepted a challenging change to leave the previous organization after 13 long years, and join ThoughtWorks. Any change requires sacrifices and dedication before it becomes a positive change, but the journey becomes easy when we believe in the change and accept it. A change introduces us to a new environment and enables new thoughts, and new energy. The two years journey at ThoughtWorks is no different.
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Jun, 2020 - Post
2020 — The year of Change
Change is the only constant, early we accept, early we get ready for the future. 2020 is a year of change, accept it, and change our lifestyle and get ready for the future.
I have been writing about the change in the past, right from accepting the change to change for good to have a purposeful and balanced life and uncover human potential in this Covid19 time.
Today, June 20, is my younger son Lovyansh’s 3rd Birthday, and June month is really time to rejuvenate and celebrate for the kids when they are free from school.
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May, 2020 - Post
Uncovering the human potential
Covid19 has challenged the way work, I have penned down my earlier article to cover my workday and our shift toward new ways of working. Covid19 has impacted not just the way we work, but also our lives. All-day, we keep hearing how it is hitting hard on humanity and it has brought so much negativity around us.
Enough of negativity, let’s uncover human potential to cop with it. In this article, I will cover how the ways of our regular life are shifting, and uncovering new human potentials to try out new things and performing our chores own our own.
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