Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “nagarro”
Mar, 2025 - About
📨 Contact Me 📃 My Resume 🎗️ Communities I Support 🛟 My Life Mantras 🗣️ What others says about me 🐦🔥️ My Inventions 📚️ My Books 🏆️ My Awards
👉 Few words about Kuldeep! Kuldeep has built his career empowering businesses with the Tech@Core approach. He has incubated IoT and AR/VR Centres of Excellence with a strong focus on building development practices such as CICD, TDD, automation testing and XP around new technologies.
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Sep, 2024 - Event
TW Spotlight: Going with the Flow – My Journey
Thoughtworks has always amazed me—whether it’s the pioneering work we do in the industry or the contributions we make to software engineering practices. What truly inspires me is our people-centered approach. Recently, I was honored by our market leadership, who put me in the spotlight to share my journey with fellow Thoughtworkers. While I’ve learned a great deal from my colleagues, I took this opportunity to share my own experiences in the hope of inspiring others.
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Jul, 2024 - Post
20 reflections of 20 years
On July 5, 2004, I embarked on my professional journey. These past 20 years have been nothing short of adventurous and fulfilling.
“Learning is a natural process, and it matures by sharing”
I’ve had a wealth of learnings throughout these two decades, as I worked on over 50 projects spanning various domains and technologies. I’ve had the privilege of directly working with over a thousand individuals from diverse backgrounds across different organizations.
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Jun, 2024 - Post
🙏 Exploring the Metaverse | Testimonial 3
My book ‘Exploring the Metaverse’, is now available in stores globally, including Amazon and BPB Online. It features forewords and testimonials from a diverse group of industry leaders.
One such testimonial comes from Kanchan Ray, Chief Technology Officer at Nagarro. We collaborated on building and conceptualizing various cutting-edge proof-of-concepts using emerging technologies. His support and advice were always invaluable.
🙏 I extend my heartfelt thanks to Kanchan for reviewing early versions of the book, sharing his valuable insights, and writing the following foreword:
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Aug, 2020 - Post
Two Thoughtful Years!
It’s now two years since I accepted a challenging change to leave the previous organization after 13 long years, and join ThoughtWorks. Any change requires sacrifices and dedication before it becomes a positive change, but the journey becomes easy when we believe in the change and accept it. A change introduces us to a new environment and enables new thoughts, and new energy. The two years journey at ThoughtWorks is no different.
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Aug, 2018 - Post
Accept the change!
The change is inevitable and constant; it is a part of our life. Sooner or later, we have to accept the change. 13 years ago, I joined a small IT organisation of around 100 people, as a developer. I have grown with the organisation; a 40 times growth journey. I really thank the organisation for giving me opportunity, and transforming me, what I am today. Now, the time has come to accept a change, and start a new journey.
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Apr, 2017 - Event
Speaker & Organizer - IOTNCR - Ideation to Production Workshop
Conducted a workshop on IoT with IOTNCR. I have spoken on IoT technology landscape, and many of other speaker given enlightening talks.
Intro here Nagarro invites IOT enthusiasts to Ideation to Production:An Entrepreneurship Workshop,Apr 29 #IOTNCR #Nagarroiotncr
— Kuldeep Singh (@kuldeepwilldo) April 27, 2017 The talks is about IOT fundamentals and building blocks IOT Nodes IOT Gateway IOT Platforms Visualization (AR & VR) Integrations Detailed Slides IOT Landscape from Kuldeep Singh Social connect Nice to meet you all @Nagarro #iotncr #Nagarroiotncr @kanchanray @mfuloria pic.
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Feb, 2017 - Post
IOT 101: A primer on Internet of Things
IOT 101 A Primer on Internet of Things from Kuldeep Singh The IoT can be described as “Connecting the Things to internet”.
A comprehensive IoT ecosystem consists of many different parts such as electronic circuitry, sensing and acting capability, embedded systems, edge computing, network protocols, communication networks, cloud computing, big data management and analytics, business rules etcetera. This maze of varied parts can be better classified into 4 broad categories:
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Jan, 2017 - Event
Panelist & Organizer - Nagarro LSD - Industry 4.0
Organized Nagarro LSD event, on Industry 4.0, demonstrated usecases on connected services concept, and was a panelist for a discussion on
Smarter Services - Predictive, Always Connected, Personalized Global experts will debate ways to create smarter services based around predictive maintenance, always connected devices and personalized solutions.
Whether we call Industry 4.0 an evolution or a revolution, there is little doubt that it will have a disruptive impact on the manufacturing industry.
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Dec, 2016 - Post
IoT based insect monitoring concept
Insects are the most diverse species of animals found on earth. While every species is required to maintain the balance of nature, excessive accumulation of any one type can have devastating effects on humans and environment.
Insect management relies on the early detection and accuracy of insect population monitoring techniquessensors-12-15801. Integrated data gathering about insect population together with the ecological factors like temperature, humidity, light etc., makes it possible to execute appropriate pest control at the right time in the right place.
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May, 2016 - Post
Smart bottle IOT concept
The rapid growth of Internet of Things (IoT) and miniature wearable biosensors have generated new opportunities for personalized eHealth and mHealth services. We present a case study of an intelligent cap that can measure the amount of water in the bottle, monitor activity of opening or closing of bottle cap. This paper presents a Proof of Concept implementation for such a connected smart bottle that sends measurements to the IoT Platform.
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Apr, 2016 - Post
Exploring AndroidThings IoT
Android Things, an android based embedded operating system, is the new “it” thing in the Internet of Things(IOT) space. Developed by Google under the codename “Brillo, a.k.a. Project Brillo”, it takes the usual Android development stack—Android Studio, the official SDK, and Google Play Services—and applies it to the IOT.
Google formally took the veils off of Brillo at its I/O 2015 conference. It is aimed to be used with low-power and memory constrained IOT devices, allowing the developers to build a smart device using Android APIs and Google Services.
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Aug, 2015 - Post
SIGFOX - An Introduction
SIGFOX is providing a communication solution dedicated to the Internet of Things
Dedicated to the IOT means:
Simplicity: No configuration, no pairing, no signaling Autonomy: Very low energy consumption, allowing years of autonomy on battery without maintenance Small messages: No large assets or multimedia, only small messages It is a LPWA (Low-Power Wide-Area) network, currently operating in 20 countries in Europe, Americas and Asia/Pacific. Communications over the SIGFOX network are bi-directional: uplink from device & downlink to the device.
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Oct, 2014 - Event
Contributor - JavaOne - Rapid Modernization to Java8
Presented At: G. Venkat, Senior Vice President of Technology & Solutions, at Nagarro and I have spoken at the Oracle OpenWorld / JavaOne conference on Wednesday, October 1, 2014, form 10:00 – 11:00 a.m., Pacific Time, at Ballroom 6 in the Hilton San Francisco at Union Square.
I have supported Venkat and presented the JMod tool demo with him.
Here are some coverages - I have lead the Nagarro Stall and showcased the JMod demo to 300+ visitors.
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